Questions of the Soul
All human being have questions, we ask these on all matter of things. In asking we are, in general seeking a resolution in answers. Some can be answered with a level of certainty, there are others of course, no matter how hard we try, seem to be impossible to resolve. They seem to continue to generate but more questions. The more we ask the more convoluted they become, it can feel like running on a hamster wheel, every new inquiry causing a new divergence, yet another path to stumble down, another twist in the maze of confusion taking us further away from the resolution we so dearly desire.
The questions to which I refer to are not generated through education, religion, or even of current affairs, for they are not questions of tangible things. The ones to which I refer come from a place deep inside the human soul. They are inherently natural and they that scratch away at the layers of ones reality. They boil-up from under the skin, an irritation, growing, spreading within the being.
Left alone these can become of great irritation, so much so, that they may interfere with everyday life. How can a natural-person continue to focus on being a normal, effective, member of society with this unknowing, clawing at the back of the mind, the source hidden behind a thick fog of nonconformity and challenging the status-quo of social acceptance.
We can of course find ways to avoid this miserable state of affairs, humans have become very good at it, as a matter of fact. There are all manner of ways to numb out this crippling condition.
Some may find solitude in religion, offering a quick fix in the form of faith and following. Others may turn to science, for it has an array of pills, chemicals and brightly colored cocktails in all flavors of avoidance. There are of course alternatives like the pursuit for power, dominance, sex, or for the avid collector simply the drive for attaining yet more material possessions.
Whatever the choice, one may have peace of mind in knowing, they are not alone in this affliction of the human species, rest assured there have been many before you, mapping out ways to follow, thus easing the burden of individual responsibility.
There is of course an alternative route to which a sufferer may take, I mention it only for the sake of completeness. Of course it is an absurd direction as it involves heading towards that which knowingly causes pain. In taking this approach we may become left with a paradox. Choosing to follow the unresolvable, furiously spinning the hamster-wheel, devoting entire energy to something with no ultimate resolution. What can this ever achieve.....?
What can it achieve....?
Can it achieve....?
If we can allow ourselves to accept a world without fixed resolution, then maybe just maybe we attach to that which is constant motion.
Peace, love and truth (which ever truth you may follow).