Intellectuals within society
Intellectuals along with the political and religious leaders they advise, gain their status in principle through the accumulation of knowledge within a particular area. Although this knowledge may be restricted to a niche scope it does not refrain them from adopting a tone of authority in excess of it.
As a society we seem to have taken if for granted that these people are knowledgeable in all areas within which they speak. Dangerously we promote them into the highest positions of power commanding authority over every part of our lives. History will remind us time and time again, as to the foolishness of this notion.
Those who act as intellectuals or authorities within defined scopes of study, are in most parts abstracted from the totalities of the real world, and its factual issues. Take for example any of the methods implemented for social-order, be it democracy, socialism, fascism, communism, whatever the flavor, the empirical validity of them all have proven to be non-beneficial to the human species as a whole. Why? Well this is easily answered when we understand that the underlying economic structure in each one has fundamentally remained same.
The reasons for this economic morphing while preserving the systemic problem can be understood if we acknowledge the psychological nature of ourselves. The label of an intellectual, be it leader, teacher etc, in itself promotes a figure of authority, in being an authority the individual gains social validation, all human beings have a need for validation.
There is then a paradoxical situation that exists within the human condition. We are prepared to make change, in so much as that change continues to preserves the beliefs and images we hold of ourselves, and our image within society. In the case of social cohesion, intellectuals have and will continue to promote ideas and reforms, only in-so-much as it continues to provide validation to their own being. The validation we use within todays modern societies is exactly the same as it has been for generations, "power". Predominately power is represented by wealth, however power is also represented by elevation of status within a society, ie, how others acknowledge to you.
There is then no incentive for intellectuals to radically change a system that could possibly negate their own social status. This is why we continue to see the preservation of an economic system that has proven over and over to be detrimental to our being, holding back our evolution with disastrous consequences to our environment.
If we truly wish to make functional positive change within our societies, we must first make that change within ourselves. For the same egotistical barriers that exists within our leaders also exist within ourselves. There is no messiah that can place us on a global path to peace and co-operation, we must first cultivate this peace and co-operation within ourselves, in our families and in our communities. By doing so we remove our dependency and outgrow the systems of old.
To achieve this we must become responsible and understand who we truly are. Only by letting go of the materialistic desires, the illusion and distractions can we begin to see our own individual truth. Through acceptance of this simplistic truth can our a actions be made manifest and something new may then emerge.
Peace, love and truth